The Clarion

Artist Tony Catteruccia and his daughter walk past one of the murals he painted downtown Madison this summer.

Art and family offer a healthy balance

Hailey Griffin , Arts Editor September 17, 2020

Throughout his transition from childhood to adulthood, one thing was constant for Tony Catteruccia: his love for art.   Since he was a kid, Catteruccia knew that he wanted to pursue a career...

Raquel Manning paints a section of the new mural on the wall of the cafetaria.

Mural, mural on the cafeteria wall

Brighid Monahan, Staff Writer February 4, 2016

Student Senate has come up with a solution to the drabness of the cafeteria – murals. Raquel Manning the mind behind the artwork taking place in the cafeteria was looking for a way to beautify the...

Emmalee Pearson has been a visual communications instructor since 2012.

From metal singer to teacher

Ana Bon, Staff Writer October 29, 2015

Visual Communication alumnus and current instructor, Emmalee Pearson remembers how she got her start teaching at Madison College. “I went from metal singer to teacher,” Pearson joked. “ I started...

Latino artists shared their work in the Overture Center on Oct. 2.

Groups celebrate Latino artwork

Nicolas LaMorte, Editor in Chief October 14, 2015

On Oct 2., more than a dozen artists from Madison and surrounding areas gathered at the Overture Center’s beautiful Promenade Terrace. There, artists exhibited, sold and auctioned off their works, which...

The Great Googly Moogly Illustration

Art instructor Courtney Dicmas hopes to share her passion with her students

Antonia Villalon, Staff Writer September 30, 2015

“Was it Perseus that slayed Medusa?” Courtney Dicmas, children’s book illustrator and author, ponders. “Perseus had the shield so he could look at Medusa without turning to stone,” she explains....

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