Title IX is about more than just collegiate sports

Mary Joan Nastri, Clarion Staff

Title IX is recognized as protection against sexual discrimination in athletics, but it covers so much more. Some of the violations covered by Title IX are sexual harassment, discrimination in the admission process, sex discrimination, infringes on the rights of pregnant women, and much more.

Since the federal government brought the issue to the forefront with the website NotAlone.gov, universities and colleges are making serious strides implementing measures to make students feel safer on and off campus. Off-campus violations count, too, because students are protected when a crime is committed that prevents or causes serious harm to their learning.

Collaboration with university staff, parents, police, and outside resources can help students who have suffered to come forward and report the crime. The lack of reporting is no surprise. Students are afraid they’ll be blamed for the incident, or that others will fail to support them. Or they simply do not want to be known as a victim. The aftereffects of such sexual harassment and discrimination crimes can seriously injure their college career. They may have trouble with anxiety, depression, fear, lack of concentration, nightmares, and more.

Madison College has already offered training to staff on helping students who bring a complaint to the school. The University of Alaska, a state with the highest rate of sexual assaults in the nation, and other universities are producing content and guidelines that help other schools tackle this ever-increasing problem as well.

The White House Task Force selected Rutgers University to create the Campus Climate Project that provides an extensive guide and knowledge base to get universities started on the path.

If you may be thinking this only happens elsewhere in the country you’d be wrong. In fact, University of Wisconsin at Whitewater had two Title IX violations within the last 18 months.

Madison College also published a web page on the college website titled “Be Informed: About Title IX & Sexual Misconduct.” There you’ll find a short video from Dr. Keith Cornille, the Title IX Coordinator, in addition to a video on Victim’s Rights and other additional information.