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‘Firefly’ a space western from the early 2000s

A 2000s show that is worth watching is called “Firefly,” a cult classic space western following the adventures of crew space outlaws doing odd jobs across human space.
The show follows a cast of diverse characters from a traveling preacher with a dark past, to a Buddhist, high pay sex worker who practices magic to three former soldiers. These former soldiers live aboard a ship called Serenity and are always on the run from the alliance of planets, bounty hunters, crime lords and cannibalistic space pirates, known as reavers.
The crew will do almost any job that puts food on the table and fuel into the engines. The crew becomes a very accepting but tense family, and the relationships that develop are realistic but loveable. The universe in this setting is filled with the mixing of American and Chinese cultures, with many different religions and languages as well as some planets being dirt poor and stuck in the dark ages with witch burnings.
“Firefly” has a deep and committed fanbase One of the biggest appeals of the show is how it displays humanity in the future with a very modern and human take on the space age of humanity that contrasts the very boring perfect high culture of Star Trek, it is a one-season cult classic from the 2000s era. At the time, the film was created to end the story, but over the years many of the actors have talked about a reboot or second film. Until that day arrives, look up this show on DVD or online.
This is a true space western, and you will fall in love with this show.

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