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The Clarion

The news site of Madison Area Technical College

The Clarion

The news site of Madison Area Technical College

The Clarion

Follow these tips to avoid a parking citation

As we are well into the Fall semester, most folks have become somewhat familiar with the parking lots.  I would like to take this opportunity to review parking procedures on campus.  Please pay attention to the following parking tips to avoid a parking citation.
• Students should be parking in the general parking lots which are labeled A-K.  Students can park in any marked parking stall in these lots, as long as they are not designated as employee or handicapped parking.  These parking lots are located to the West of the Truax building.
• Students should avoid parking in the employee parking lots, which are located directly north of the Truax building.  The employee lot is labeled as employee parking.  The Protective Services building has some designated employee parking, which is identified by blue parking stalls.
• Parking meters are enforced from 7a.m. – 7p.m.  Meters have a time limit of 1 hour.  The parking meters are intended as short-term parking, not for the purpose of parking for the entire day.
• Public Safety does at times issue warnings. However, you may receive a citation without first receiving a warning.
• Nobody should be parking along the curb, in the grass, along the building, or anywhere else that is out of a marked parking stall.
In the coming weeks, Public Safety will be increasing enforcement of the parking lots. We do not enjoy issuing parking citations, however it is sometimes necessary to keep the parking lots clear and organized so folks can drive through the lots safely. It is also important the parking lots and fire lanes around the building remain clear in case emergency vehicles need to respond. If you have any questions or concerns, please give our office a call.

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