‘Marry Me’ a unique romance film that’s worth watching


Barry Wetcher / Universal Pictures / TNS

Jennifer Lopez, left, and Owen Wilson in “Marry Me,” directed by Kat Coiro.

Mary SeGall , Staff Writer

Usually boy meets girl, girl is not interested, boy embarrasses himself to try and get the girl’s attention and after a fight or two, he ends up getting the girl in the end, right? Pretty typical for a love story. 

Well, this one is a bit more upbeat and, dare I say, untraditional?  

Kat Valdez, played by Jennifer Lopez, is a stunningly beautiful, world-famous singer known for her successful albums. Her boyfriend Bastian, played by Maluma, is also widely known around the globe for his Latin pop music.  

Commercials for their tour are being seen virtually everywhere! The tag line in the commercials says “Marry Me.”  

Kat and Bastian are going to get married right there on stage during their tour and sing their latest song called “Marry Me” as their vows to one another. Cute, right?  

It would have been, until there is an unexpected turn of events that causes Kat to make a rushed decision; she decides to marry a complete stranger from the crowd, who happened to be holding a sign for his daughter that says “Marry Me.”  

Whether this is fate or oddly perfect timing is up to you to decide.  

Watch Kat marry Charlie Gilbert, played by Owen Wilson, a math teacher who is just trying to get on with his life. Well, his world just got flipped upside down by marrying this Latin pop star.  

Will they stay married? Will they fall in love? Will Bastian try to win her heart back? Watch the movie to find out.  

Jennifer Lopez and Owen Wilson have a cute vibe within this film.

 It is somewhat awkward at first seeing this huge pop star with a lonely math teacher, but as time progresses it starts to make sense why they are together.  

Owen Wilson brings humor and lots of smiles on screen. The costumes for Kat’s tour are amazing! They are so elaborate and definitely make Jennifer’s true personality shine through.  

This movie gets an eight out of ten from me. The movie itself was a bit long, but overall, it was good. 

This is not something I would purchase for my home collection, but worth the $8 to see it in the theater.