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Fye leading the effort to bring back intramurals

It’s going to be a busy fall for Madison College soccer coach Logan Fye. In addition to coaching the men’s and women’s soccer teams, he will supervise the college’s intramurals program. He is looking forward to connecting with the general student base outside of the teams he coaches.
“There’s going to be a wide range of people and backgrounds that are going to participate. I know it was done previously before I was here. But we can build upon it year to year and try to make it into something that gives the average student another reason to come back to campus,” Fye says.
Fye mentioned that his main goal with intramurals is to give students something to look back on and say they enjoyed during their time at Madison College. Additionally, intramurals will be an excellent opportunity for people to make friends and memories without committing to the day-to-day responsibilities of a collegiate student-athlete.
Fye explained that there will not be many limitations for students signing up for intramurals.
“From a coach’s standpoint, I want my players to be involved if they want to take part in the martial arts stuff or the e-sports tournament, badminton, or whatever we got rolling, by all means! Do I want them to get hurt doing so? Obviously not, but I’m not going to restrict them from doing something that they enjoy or give them another opportunity to be on this campus,” he said.
Fye said that as a supervisor, he will not be allowed to coach or start up any specific intramurals, as it would be a conflict of interest, but he is looking forward to watching the participants.
“The goal is to provide sports and activities based on the survey. The top ten sports and activities that were voted upon … are going to be the ones we look to really implement first. We’ll make adjustments as we go from there,” Fye explained.
As supervisor for intramurals, teaching a soccer class and coaching both women’s and men’s soccer, Fye will be very busy.
“When it comes to intramurals, especially in the fall, I think it’ll be difficult, I’m not shy to say that. The important thing is hiring the right supervisors and referees, where I don’t have to be 100% involved in every single thing,” Fye said.
Most of the intramurals will be student-led. Specialty sports such as martial arts require specific training, so they plan on contracting a trainer to come in and lead that activity. The goal is to keep most of the intramurals led by students.
“For us to make this function properly, I think it needs to be student-led. We want to have student referees that feel qualified and confident to ensure things are running orderly. When it’s structured that way, you hope that students are more understanding when something goes wrong, or someone makes a bad call,” he said.

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