Valentine’s Day: should we love it or hate it?

Alison Malek, Staff Writer

Every Feb. 14, couples in countries around the globe celebrate the season of love. This holiday is commonly known as Valentine’s Day. Valentine’s Day has been celebrated for centuries, and is believed to have originated in the 5th century from the legend of St. Valentine. Yet even before then, February was considered to be the month for love. On this holiday, couples who choose to participate traditionally exchange trinkets (cards, candy, flowers and gifts) as a sign of their love towards each other.

There are many different viewpoints on Valentine’s Day. While some people choose to celebrate Valentine’s Day every year and love it, others straight up hate it. The strength of this aversion can sometimes even inspire anti-celebration practices against the holiday, in the form of “I hate Valentine’s Day” paries. The individuals who participate in such antagonist parties often had a recent break-up, or are not in the right mentality for a relationship at all.

Madison College student Jacob Darger says, “I don’t understand why people bother to celebrate it. For me, it just reminds me of a past that I could care less about remembering.”

Individuals who love Valentine’s Day usually have strong connections to the people around them. Whether it’s through a romantic relationship with a significant other, with family, or with friends, the meaning of Valentine’s Day to them is usually strong and does not go un-celebrated.

“I love Valentine’s Day. It’s a day to celebrate love towards your family and friends. I am even in a romantic show Beauty and the Beast, which opens Feb. 15,” Madison College student, Melissa Miller says.

Individuals who believe Valentine’s Day should not exist often believe that it is bizarre, and even an excuse for marketing. These individuals may or may not celebrate Valentine’s Day, but usually have a negative viewpoint towards the capitalistic aspects, and are economy sensitive.

“I think it’s stupid, and is just a hit for candy companies and floral places,” Madison College student, Ashley Vences says, “There’s so much for women and not so much for men.”

Even though Valentine’s Day is a controversial subject, the discussion should not be avoided. The viewpoints should be explored and for the purpose of understanding. Ultimately, it should be up to the individual whether they wish to love or hate Valentine’s Day, and whether to celebrate their belief. Ultimately, it’s up to you if this Valentine’s Day will it be a bouquet of roses and candy, or a pinata in the shape of a heart for the students at Madison College.