Don’t reject climate science: GOP environmental plans could place the planet in even greater peril

James Roufus, Staff Writer

State and Federal Governments are making changes at environmental agencies
Illustration by Michael Edwards/Clarion
State and Federal Governments are making changes at environmental agencies

From sea to shining sea, lovers of Mother Earth are under attack like Kenilworth Castle. Not only locally from Gov. Scott Walker and his followers, but from President Donald Trump as well.

Back in December, any language related to climate change was taken off the Wisconsin Department of Natural Resource’s (DNR) website.

Just last month, on March 28, the president signed an executive order at the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA). It changes the government’s stance on climate regulations in favor of American jobs. But if you disregard the planet, of which America is a part of, jobs will be of little concern.

The shift in policy can only be reflected in the party which both men represent. For years, Republicans have been attacking science, i.e. Representative and Texas Republican Lamar Smith, the very chairman of the U.S. House Committee on Science, Space, and Technology using the position to issue 24 subpoenas against scientists and environmental groups alike. Many of his investigations center around global warming.

What can you say about people who deny science? Why are people so hesitant to believe the words a scientist says? After all, they are the only people that need to prove what they say is true. Yet it remains, a large segment of the population denying a subject they teach you in school. Is the next debate destined to be whether or not 2+2 does in fact equal 4? Is math next on the docket?

Irony not withheld, Mr. Trump’s Mar-a-Lago property will be submerged under water by the end of the century, due to none other than climate change. Does the president still think global warming is just a “hoax” created by the Chinese, a country that has shown no care in the amount of greenhouse gasses it is emitting? Just ask the good folks of Beijing, they would swear they were in the middle of a dust bowl. With Earth Day quickly approaching (April 22), the 47th year it is being celebrated, we have to consider how crazy these notions of vilifying scientists are. After all, they did cure polio.

Just last year, the United States was one of 190 countries to sign the Paris Agreement, set to reduce greenhouse gas mitigation, adaptation and finance starting in 2020, and the current administration is already considering backing out of the agreement.

The United States is the second-largest emitter of greenhouses gasses, and if we are not willing to do anything about it, how can we expect the rest of the world to care? America, a land of progression. Until recently. We seem to be stalled. Are we really debating scientific fact? Has it really come to this?!

Maybe all of this should give incentive to voters to vote for candidates who put an importance on education. After all, an educated populace scares the government much more than an uneducated one. And an educated populace also knows that facts are not something that are up for debate. They just are what they are.

And those facts say that if we, as human beings, do not do something to fix the damage we have done and are currently doing to the Earth, we will not be here much longer to enjoy it and all of its beauty and wonder.

And in the end, children, it comes down to simple principle. LOVE YOUR MOTHER!