Learning to live in space?

I love the space program, but let’s focus on our home first

Taleise Lawrence, Assistant Editor

Artemis I is a part of NASA’s Deep Space Exploration Systems. It is an unmanned mission that will enable human exploration to the Moon and Mars. This is the first of many missions, which will “provide a foundation for human deep space exploration and demonstrate our commitment and capability to extend human existence to the Moon and beyond,” says NASA.
Artemis I was scheduled to launch in August, but had to postpone for safety concerns.
The second time around the launch was scrubbed again because of problems with the rocket. While it was disappointing to many, officials say it will cost less money in the long run to fix the rocket before it launches.
I love space. The more we learn about it, the more in awe I am. I cried when the James Webb Space Telescope released new images. I took an astronomy class in college and loved going stargazing when I was little. My dream career was “astronaut;” my life goal was “visit Pluto.” I really love space!
However, I feel a bit skeptical about humans living in space. Research in space is obviously very important and necessary, but living on the Moon and Mars? I’m not so sure. After SpaceX’s rocket launches, it seems like space is going to follow the same patterns we see on Earth, where only rich people will be able to afford luxuries, such as going to space.
Instead of trying to live in space, I think it makes more sense to make Earth more liveable. Attempting to slow or reverse global warming is one way, with efforts made by the people who have the power to make that difference. Another way is to provide universal healthcare so people can live healthier, happier lives.
I’m excited for Artemis I to finally launch, but I hope there will still be focus on the issues we experience here on Earth.