WolfPack parenting: Flu season

Destiny Hines, Contributor

There’s nothing worse than being sick while being both a parent and a student. Well, at least it feels that way when you’re in the middle of it; brain fog, sore throat, cough or even worse a fever and vomiting. As diligent as most of us try to be with washing hands and sanitizing doorknobs it’s inevitable, someone will get sick eventually. I, for what ever reason, always say I would rather it be me then them. At least I know how to care for myself when I’m sick and I don’t require anyone to play catch with a bucket or wipe my butt. Yep, parenting when you are sick, no matter what kind of sick that might be, is comparable to a scene from a horror movie.

Now, as a student, being sick is a different story. Brain fog has become my worst enemy! My attempt at being the educated individual, that was accepted into college, makes me start to question how they let me enroll at all. Two lengthy essays that are due in a matter of days and I feel like my brain has turned into a green goo that is now seeping from my nose. Believe it or not, there is something worse than writers block, it’s brain fog! I’ve been sick for two weeks. Of course, not the same kind of sick for the whole two weeks, but still sick. Now if we put it together, a sick parent that is also a student, I imagine myself looking something like a zombie but extra oozy.

Im thinking this issue should come with Lysol coupons.

I cant talk about being sick with out touching base on this beautiful time of year that we call FLU season. I know there is a part of the human population who, rather by choice or by religious beliefs, do not get the FLU vaccine and I completely support your choice. For me personally, I don’t know how I would feel if I didn’t utilize the option to try to protect me and my kids from being that kind of sick. According to the department of disease control it has been a quiet start to this years flu season. That being said, if you are going to get the vaccine get it now before the flu season picks up speed. When considering the flu vaccine just remember the flu vaccine does not guarantee you will not get the flu. If you get a flu vaccine and it doesn’t prevent the flu it can at least reduce the severity of your symptoms. For people with weakened immune systems, getting the flu vaccine can, in some cases, mean life or death.

No matter what you decide to do, concerning the flu vaccine, wash your hands often and always cover your cough and sneeze!

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Editor’s Note: Destiny Hines is a Journalism Major currently enrolled in the Liberal Arts transfer program at Madison College and a proud parent of two very busy boys. Each issue of The Clarion, Wolfpack Parent column will provide parenting support for our Wolf Pack Parents. To reach Ms. Hines with questions and suggestions for future topics, please email her at [email protected].


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  • RISE – (608)250-6634, parent support, home visits, emergency child care.
  • Parental Stress Line – 1-800-632-8188, confidential listening support for parents 24 hours a day.
  • CAC Clothing Center – (608) 246-4730 ext. 216, free clothing for interviews, school, work, and home
  • Free Flu Vaccines – Public Health, Madison – call to set an appointment – Phone: (608) 266-4821