Photo may frighten some from flu shot

Andrea Straus, Letter to the Editor

Dear Editors,

Your article on the free flu shot article will cause people to avoid getting vaccinated. The problem is your photo – detailed, somewhat larger than life photo of a syringe with the needle prominently featured.

Fear, or at least discomfort, with needles is a major reason people avoid flu shots. I myself have no fear of needles and have worked extensively in medical and medical research settings, but that photo gave me pause.

I have also worked in health communication, and created patient education films on chemotherapy, so I speak from experience with images of needles.

A final note: rather than detailing specific questions that spell out the risks of getting vaccinated, you could have written, “After a brief questionnaire to ensure that the vaccination will be safe….” The flu shot clinic and your front-page promotion of it are commendable; your photo worked against your goal.

Andrea Straus

Editor’s note: The Clarion is happy to publish letters from its readers. Any letter should be 250 words or less, and include the writer’s name, phone number and email address. Letters may be edited for length, taste and grammar.

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