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Opinion: Love is simple when you stop trying so hard

Our environment is not the same as what the media, our parents, or the Internet want you to believe. To attract the fairer sex, in the real world, you have to try so hard not to try, that it, unfortunately, almost looks like you were trying. How do you do this? My non-expert resources, pedagogues in allure and charisma, whom will remain anonymous, helped provide these tips.

Show off your smarts. You don’t necessarily need to be book smart, street smart, or even people smart; you just need to have at least one topic area that you can talk about should a conversation arise. Take a walk, smell the roses and stop studying them. If you want somebody to like you a lot, stop trying to figure out how to make it work. If it is supposed to happen, then it will. Atoms and pigs do not stay awake at night trying to figure out how to be with their ‘opposites.’ The concept of exact opposites attracting one another is a less common phenomenon. Like in reality, location, location, location will determine how many ‘houses’ you flip.

One does not need a Ph.D. to be with the person of their dreams. However if you are interested in being with sophisticated people, for example, you’ll have to be present to the places they socialize. Don’t expect much of the people you meet at a bar, if you desire a more serious relationship. Moreover, sobriety tends to make the world look a lot different. Seeking your soul mate in sobriety will be appreciated a bit more than trying to go to every party just to find him or her. If none of these tips relate to you, continue reading.

There are plenty of fish in the sea. It is a waste of everyone’s time to be preoccupied with frivolous pursuit. The love of your life will be most attracted to you when you’re not looking. You are at your best when you’re flourishing in the thing that makes you happy. Remain confident in every situation and the outcome will be exactly what it is meant to be. If you sense things are going well, offer to meet again at a different time, like over tea or during lunchtime. So what if a romantic relationship is not the end result, you’ll still make a friend. More importantly, you will have done so by being yourself and not forcing a hand.

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Don’t complicate first-time encounters with dates or by treating your love interest with expensive excursions. Buy the first tea and maybe he or she will want to reciprocate with something small. If you manage to get contact information from your love interest, contact them whenever it’s convenient for you. Don’t worry about the three day rule. The biggest show of desperation is calculation. If they decline your offers to hang out, put the ball in their court and let them make a plan. And if you’ve made it this far into this article, then you’re already overthinking. Relax, and let it be.

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Opinion: Love is simple when you stop trying so hard