Volunteer Fair includes both in-person and virtual events

Morgan Engels, News Editor

Students will have a chance to explore a variety of ways to give back to their community at the volunteer fair, hosted by the Madison College Volunteer Center.   

The event will be held both in person and virtually. It will go from Oct. 11-15 and feature over 21 organizations for students to meet with and learn about.  

“The goal is to connect students with volunteer opportunities in the community,” says Brianna Stapleton-Welch, a student program advisor in the volunteer center. 

“By presenting a variety of opportunities all at once during the Volunteer Fair, we hope that students can explore multiple options and find something that is a good fit.” 

Students can access the virtual event any time during the week by using their Madison College email and password to log in. The link can be found on the WolfPack Connect App, in the events listings.

The in-person event will be in the Truax Atrium from 10:30 a.m. – 1:30 p.m. on Oct. 12 and 13. It will feature over 15 organizations. 

“Students will have a lot of opportunities to explore,” Stapleton-Welch says. “There really is something for every interest.” 

Students can participate in the online event by visiting https://resources.madisoncollege.edu/volunteer-fair.