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Student Senate visits D.C.

Madison College’s Student Senate recently attended The American Student Government Association Conference held in Washington D.C. The conference brings many student governments from different colleges around the nation to come together and meet with other representatives at the nation’s capital. It was important for the senate to attend the ASGA to learn more about the workings of student government.

While at the conference, students learned about other college governments and how they worked. Students attended round tables during the conference that helped them learn about other issues at colleges around the country. They also connectioned with other students. Student Body President, Ousmane Kabre, stressed the importance of making connections with the other students, “In life it’s not only who you are, it’s also who you know.”

Coming back from D.C, the senate has not only gained valuable knowledge on how to better Madison College students, but a better understanding of their fellow Senators. It was important for them to learn how to go from being a group to a team.

“The ASGA Conference in DC was very beneficial to our student senate, not only did it make us closer and stronger as a team; but it also gave us a chance to meet with representatives from all over the world to learn what kind of issues affect their students and what things they have done to positively represent change in their students best interest,” said Vice President of Communication, Adrian Holtzman.

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With the new Student Senate elections underway, there are some things that the current senate wants new candidates to know. Ousmane suggests, “At least meet with five different people every week and recover information from them to better serve them.”

A way to get student more involved with the senate and voices their concerns that they have. The senate strives to publicize their activities to students.

The senate continues to work on ways to better connect with the students.  Students can learn of senate happenings through Facebook and Twitter. They can also post comments on these sites to get in touch with them.

There are also meetings on Thursday evenings from 4:30-6:30 that student are more than welcome to attend and learn of events and what’s going on within the senate. Feel free to stop by room 143, the Student Senate office, to chat with student leaders.

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Student Senate visits D.C.