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Student Senate agenda for April 4

Thursday, April 4, 2024, 4:30 p.m.-6:30 p.m.
Microsoft Teams| Truax: C2402
Chairperson: President Jovhany Michaud

Order of Business

I. Call to Order – President Michaud

II. Roll Call – VP Brito

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III. Approval of Previous Meeting MinutesPresident Michaud

IV. Reading & Approval of Meeting AgendaPresident Michaud

V. Public Comments

a. Beth Giles, Provost (20 min)

b. SAB Budget Presentation – Alex Kaiser & Kelly Feng  (15 min)

VI. New Business

a. SAB Budget Review: Q&A and Voting (20 mins)

b. Resolution #004 – “Art Supplies using Financial Aid charge” – Sen. Clearwater (20 min)

VII. Reports of Officers, Advisors, & Standing Committees

a. Executive Council & President Report (5 min) – President Michaud

b. Administration & Finance Committee (8 min) – VP Brito

c. Legislative Affairs Committee (3 min) – VP Joof

d. Team Development Committee (3 min) – VP Crowder

e. Public Relations Committee (3 min) – VP Malone

f. Advisor Report (5 min) – Advisor Green

VIII. Reports from Special & Select Committees

a. Student Activities Board (3 min) – VP Brito

b. Textbook Affordability Committee (3 min) – Sen. Sierra Brunner

c. Regional Outreach and Engagement Committee (3 min) – VP Malone

d. Transportation Analysis Committee (3 min) – Vacant

e. Student Parent Support Group (3 min) – VP Crowder

f. Public Safety Advisory Committee (3 min) – Sen. Koessl

g. Inclusion & Belonging Coordinator (3 min) – Sen. Clearwater

IX. Reports from Regional & Metro Campuses

a. Reedsburg (3 min) – Sen. Staci Brunner

b. Watertown (3 min.) – Vacant

c. Portage (3 min.) – Vacant

d. Fort Atkinson (3 min.) – Vacant

e. Goodman South (3 min) – Vacant

X. Reports from College Assembly & Shared Governance Councils

a. College Assembly (5 min) – Sen. Her

b. Academic Council (3 min) – Vacant

c. Diversity & Community Relations Council (3 min) – VP Crowder

d. Facilities, Planning, & Investment Council (3 min) – Sen. Willis

e. Finance Council (3min) – VP Brito

f. Information Technology Council (3 min) – Sen. Avila

g. Institutional Effectiveness Council (3 min) – Sen. Koessl

h. Student Affairs Council (3 min) – Vacant

XI. Unfinished Business

XII. Non-Business | Housekeeping

a. Senate Elections Recap – Pres. Michaud (10 min)

b. Point Allotment & Attendance – (5 min) VP Brito

c. Call for applications for Communications Coordinator

XIII. Announcements

a. Our next meeting will be on Thursday, April 11th in room C2402 at 4:30PM

XIV. Adjournment