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Student Senate Minutes from Nov. 9 meeting

Thursday, November 9, 2023, 4:30 PM-6:30 PM
Microsoft Teams| Truax: C2402
Chairperson: Senate President Jovhany Michaud

Order of Business

I. Call to Order – President Michaud called the meeting to order at 4:32 PM Central Time

II. Roll Call – VP Brito completed the roll call. Refer to the attendance document in SharePoint.

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III. Approval of Previous Meeting MinutesPresident Michaud

Motion made by _______ to approve the previous meeting minutes, seconded by _____. Motion passed                        unanimously.

IV. Reading & Approval of Meeting AgendaPresident Michaud

Motion made by Sen. Clearwater to approve the meeting agenda, seconded by Sen. Malone. Motion passed unanimously.

V. Public Comments

a. Mark Thomas, Executive Vice President of Institutional Policy & Strategy (20 min.)

Mark Thomas, Executive Vice President of Institutional Policy & Strategy came to talk about Vision 2030. This has primarily been a discussion among employees about what the college wants to be and what do I stand for. It was specified that there are Hispanic Serving Institutions at colleges. At these institutions, 25% of credit students are Spanish speaking. It further defines that at a Hispanic Serving Institution that a large proportion of the student population and the college right now is at 16%. Finally, this means that Spanish speaking students in terms of proportion credit is at 15%.

Mark Thomas is requesting a few student parents to join an advisory board. It would be tasked with steering some of this work throughout the year.

VP Shulman wondered with the Student Parent Advisory Board be open to non-senators? Mark Thomas specified that there is a specific student parent advisory group doing that work.

VP Crowder was wondering what the difference between the Advisory Board and the Parent Committee is. Mark Thomas specified that the parent committee already exists.

Sen. Clearwater specified if it is in their interest to become an HSU and is it standalone interest or are we looking at potentially becoming multi serving institution? Mark Thomas specified that we do not control that. There will then come a point where we will have to decide what do we do to support the student population.

Motion made by VP Crowder to extend the time by 10 minutes, seconded by VP Brito

Motion made by Sen. Clearwater to extend the time by 5 minutes, seconded by VP Brito.

VI. Reports of Officers, Advisors, & Standing Committees

a. Executive Council & President Report (5 min)-Pres. Michaud

President Michaud wanted to thank VP Joof, VP Crowder, Sen. Malone, and Advisor Rome as the ones who took over during my absence. He also wanted to say congratulations but knows we are not at the halfway point yet, but we see some improvement.

President Michaud announced that Staci Brunner has been appointed to the Public Relation Committee.

b. Administration & Finance Committee (3 min)-VP Brito

VP Brito stated that he is working on the 3 Year Plan. The next thing on the agenda is to take the data from the town hall and get that all compiled in a single document. They are also working on getting the Transportation Survey data because they must do some follow-up with Zong Her to obtain information on a report that they had which were not presented on.

c. Legislative Affairs Committee (3 min)-VP Joof

VP Joof wanted to say thank you to Senator Malone & Senator Wilkin for helping with the DEIAB (Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, Accessibility, and Belonging) Bill by pulling up and making some changes and corrections. Our goal is to have this completed by December of 2023. It is also our intention to get Dr. Grady’s opinion as well.

d. Team Development Committee (3 min)-VP Crowder

VP Crowder would like to remind everyone that we are planning to attend the November 16th game for basketball.  We are going to catch the tail end of the women’s game and then go to the men’s game.  The only thing that you need is your one card because it is free for students.

Another reminder to please mark the date down on your calendar for December 7th. This is when we will be spending time together in the Den and have our end of semester event. We will be ordering 5 pizzas, and they will include Chicken Parmesan, Taco, Margarita, Meat Lovers, Cheese, and Gluten Free.  The other request we have is to supplement the pizza party and bring a snack. Finally, we are going to do a white elephant exchange.

VP Crowder motions to extend the time by two minutes, seconded by VP Brito.

We are going to be looking at the training elements that we use for student senate and if anybody has any feedback that they would like to send out about things that they think are irrelevant or need to be changed. One of the things that we want to do is our own video for parliamentary procedure.

e. Public Relations Committee (3 min)-VP Shulman

No Report

f. Advisor Report (7 min)-Advisor Rome

  • If you can help direct people tomorrow at the WSG (Wisconsin Student Government) Meeting, arrive early. Wear your Senate jacket, if you can.
  • Stipend rubric coming next week- look at it and start thinking about your actions this semester

VII. Reports from Special & Select Committees

a. Student Activities Board (3 min)-VP Brito

VP Crowder stated at the meeting that we talked about the referendum which is our main goal right now.  There were also some people signed up for volunteering, but we could use more, especially next week when it is the big push, and the referendum is happening.  She also had the experience of giving a demo presentation at SAB (Student Activities Board).

b. Textbook Affordability Committee (3 min)-Sen. Sierra Brunner

No Report

Our next meeting will be held on Monday, November 13th, 2023

c. Regional Outreach & Engagement Committee (3 min)-Sen. Malone

No Report

Our next meeting will be on Friday, November 17th, 2023, at 12:00pm. We will discuss the previous items on our agenda discussed at the last meeting.

d. Transportation Analysis Committee (3 min)-Sen. Maung Maung

Sen. Maung Maung stated that this Tuesday we met with Roundtrip and Cody from the Department of   Transportation. There were a lot of concerns that were brought up with the site’s UI, UX issues and some accessibility issues because the science is very wonky depending on which device you are using.

e. Student Parent Support (3 min)-VP Crowder, Sen. Okumagba, Sen. Pickelsimer

Our next meeting will take place on Wednesday, December 6th, 2023. The next meeting will focus on      interest-based problem-solving discussion approach

f. Public Safety Advisory Committee (3 min.)-Sen. Koessl

  1. Structure of Committee
    • Advisor-John Flannery Non-Voting Member
    • Chair-Kodiak Koessl Tiebreaker
    • Vice Chair-Inez Pickelsimer
    • Communications Coordinator-Michael Malone
  2. Roberts Rules
  3. Regional Campus Involvement: Contact Campus Managers
  4. Number of Members on Committee: 10 or less
  5. Meeting Day & Time: Every other week on Friday at 11:00am
    • Upcoming Meetings: November 17, 2023 & December 1, 2023
  6. Contact: ASM OF Madison
  7. Emailed agenda sent out 24 hours in advance of our next meeting
  8. Notes will be included in the following weeks folder
  9. Section will be created on the agenda for giving a report by Advisor, Chair, Vice Chair and Communications Coordinator
  10. Create Public Comments Section
    • Limit comments to Campus Managers
    • Email sent to Flan to determine if Public Safety Staff can attend or submit a report to give updates
  11. Get To Know Your Public Safety Advisory Committee
  12. Public Safety Listening Sessions
  13. Self Defense Classes
    • RAD
  14. Escorts to Vehicles
    • Safe Walk
  15. Meet Your Madison College Public Safety Officers
  16. Dating Violence & Stalking
    • Training done through Dean of Students
    • Will be conducted on a more frequent basis (public once a month during Wolfpack Welcome)
  17. Active Shooter/Situational Awareness
    • Set up to occur 3 times per year

VIII. Reports from Regional & Metro Campuses

a. Reedsburg (3 min)-Sen. Staci Brunner

No Report                    

b. Watertown-Vacant

c. Portage-Vacant

d. Fort Atkinson (3 min)-Sen. Pickelsimer

Sen. Pickelsimer is going to be at the campus on Tuesdays from 3pm-6pm.

e. Goodman South-Vacant

IX. Reports from College Assembly & Shared Governance Councils

a. College Assembly (5 min) – Sen Her

Sen. Her stated that they had a meeting on Wednesday, November 8th, 2023, from 2pm-4:30pm where   Jovhany gave a report on Student Senate progress. He stated that we have been doing pretty good. They also talked about advancing OER (Open Educational Resources) and they are still in progress with regards to what direction that is going to go.

There was also a presentation from the Facilities, Planning, and Investment Council where they gave a presentation on the 10-year plan as well as Vision 2023 and they conducted a survey on pandemic impacts. It is a comprehensive survey that talked about the 48 projects that were in planning or have  been completed. Out of these projects 21 of the projects have been completed since 2018. This ncludes the Early Learning Campus, Fitness Center, and Fort Atkinson additions.

b. Academic Council (3 min) – Sen Pickelsimer

c. Diversity & Community Relations Council (3 min) – VP Crowder

VP Crowder stated that the only thing she wanted to add to my report last week is that at our next         meeting we are going to be voting on our direction, whether we are going to go with accountability or if          we are going to pivot in a different direction.

d. Facilities, Planning, & Investment Council (3 min) – Sen Willis

No Report

e. Finance Council (3min) – VP Brito

No Report

f. Information Technology Council (3 min) – VP Maung Maung

No Report

g. Institutional Effectiveness Council (3 min) – Sen Koessl

In our meeting on Monday the 6th, we discussed the scope of the IEC’s work relating to work regarding   accreditation, and the use of assessment language in Student Affairs. This is how students are both    evaluated on and develop their skills in clubs, organizations, and other extra-curriculars. Initiatives that         are being tossed around are doing a survey to see what those in student affairs know about assessment language, providing education on this language, and encouraging shared language among student affairs   groups and aligning it to academic affairs. We are also hoping to create a catalog of the language that is   used across student and academic groups.

h. Student Affairs Council (3 min) – Sen Okumagba

No Report

Our next meeting will be held on Friday, November 17th, 2023

X. Unfinished Business

XI. New Business

a. Town Hall Review (10 min.) – Pres. Michaud

Motion made by VP Brito to table town hall review, seconded by Sen. Koessl. Motion passed unanimously.

b. Bill #002: DEIAB (Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, Accessibility, and Belonging) Coordinator (15 min.)-Legislative Affairs Committee

Sen. Wilkin specified that a couple of things that we changed earlier today included changing it from a DEIAB Coordinator position to a Climate & Culture Coordinator position. Our formal motion has been changed to “The constitution will be amended to add a subsection, Section 7: Climate & Culture Coordinator position under Article III [3] Membership. In addition, Section 7, Section 6 is the Communications Coordinator position so it will fall right under that.

The Article III Membership subsection has been updated as well. Originally, it was just section two: additional information and now we have the Article 3 Memberships, a membership subsection under it would include from below until the end of the application which is what will go into the Constitution.

VP Brito stated that it is interesting you said that people would support culture and climate, but they would not support DEIAB. Can you tell me why that is? Sen. Wilkin said it was more appropriate to have something that more people would vote yes on rather than it would divide people on.

VP Crowder suggested having the DCRC (Diversity and Community Relations Council) committee come    take a look at this.  Sen. Malone specified that he will be sending it out to Vicki Weber.  


XII. Non-Business | Housekeeping

a. Referendum Update (15 min.)-President Michaud

President Michaud received a test of the ballot, and he has expressed some concerns. His first concern is when you click on it, I vote first. It then goes to Wolfpack Connect where there is a percentage on there and you can vote.

Advisor Rome asked if anyone had concerns about the language of the email. The ballot will also be sent out in Spanish.

XIII. Announcements

a. Our next meeting will be on Thursday, November 16th in room C2402 at 4:30PM

b. Office Hours and Meeting will be cancelled during the week of November 20th

XIV. Adjournment

Motion made by Sen. Koessl to adjourn the meeting, seconded by Sen. Clearwater. The motion was carried out unanimously, and the meeting was adjourned at 6:38PM Central Time.