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Women’s basketball tryouts set for Sept. 5

Madison College women’s basketball tryouts are Tuesday, Sept. 5, at 4 p.m. in Redsten Gymnasium. Coach Angel Whestone offered a few helpful tips for those who attend. 

“Players coming in for the women’s basketball tryouts can expect an exciting and competitive atmosphere,” Whetstone said. “The tryouts will provide players with an opportunity to showcase their skills and abilities to the new coaching staff and demonstrate why they should be selected for the team.” 

Madison College women's basketball tryouts are Sept. 5 at 4 p.m. If interested contact Coach Whetstone at

Prior to showing up to the event, players must fill out the “Madison College athletics tryout form.” They will also need proof of a recent physical to participate. Whetstone hopes all who show up will feel welcome and have a rewarding experience.  

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 “To prepare for the tryouts, players should also come with a positive attitude and a willingness to learn and improve,” said Whetstone. “Most importantly, players should remember to have fun and enjoy the experience, regardless of the outcome.” 

For more information, please email Whetstone at [email protected].