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Mental health matters at Madison College

The start of the school year is fast approaching at Madison College. For many students that means an increase in stress levels, as assignments start to pile on top of other responsibilities. Considering all the responsibilities, it is important to be aware of your health throughout the year as they play a part in your academic achievement. 

Whether you are just starting off in college or returning to school, it is OK to be worried about the start of another school year. It is also important to keep track of your mental health. Some stress through the school year is healthy, but once it starts to get overwhelming things tend to get harder.  

Some quick steps to take when you are feeling stressed:  

  • Take a deep breath. 
  • Be mindful of your actions. 
  • Take time for yourself.
  • Get some sleep.
  • Exercise. 

Need more guidance? Take advantage of these resources: 

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Visit the Madison College Mental Health Matters page here: Mental Health Matters | Madison College Student Website 

Visit the Madison College Mental Health Counselling Services page here: Mental Health Counseling Services | Madison College Student Website