In Wisconsin, Fish Fries are beyond culturally appropriate. They are an expected part of Fridays. Whether these meals include potato pancakes is regional.
Madison Eagles #623 Aerie (men) and Auxiliary (women): People Helping People is a fraternal order located at 2109 Bartillon Drive, less than a mile from Madison College. They are a service organization that gives back to many.
Their Friday fish fries run from 5 p.m. to 7:30 p.m. with choices of grilled or fried fish, walleye and blue gill alternating, but cod is always an option. Some nights, there is an additional option of prime rib.
Every second and fourth Friday Fish Fry is also followed by Karaoke by Larry Judd of Music Memories, who is also available for hire for private parties (608-575-6059, [email protected]). Sing your heart out from 7:30 p.m. to 10:30 p.m. Given this is a less popular spot in the area for karaoke, you can expect to sing four to six songs some nights.
The women’s group runs these fish fries. Proceeds are donated to a scholarship fund that benefits a non-traditional nursing student at Madison College. Scholarships of $600 have been given. Other groups also are supported, including this year’s choice, UW Carbone Cancer Research Center. Over $20,000 is raised each year.
The Madison College Nursing Student Scholarship is in honor of Katherine Gonzagowski, who was not only president of this local chapter, but became Grand Madam President of the United States 1989-1990 as well. Katherine was a nurse herself. Sadly, she passed away from cancer. Her portrait and sash hang in the banquet hall.
Cheryl Johnson, a life member of the group, said “there are 16 chapters throughout Wisconsin with Eagles Clubs in Canada as well.”
The Eagles Club philanthropy extends to blood and food drives as well. They also are a premier place to book your wedding or party with ample parking and reasonable rates.
The food is fantastic. Prices are very reasonable, and it’s always an enjoyable time as well as a good cause. The atmosphere is a slice of Americana. All are welcome.