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A game shows the impact of blind trust in nanotechnology

As many people have a newfound fear of artificial intelligence, some have begun to explore the theories of what this could possibly mean for the future of humankind. 

The video game “Destiny” showed their perspective on this, especially when this AI began to form a physical manifestation of itself. From my experience in learning about the fears of AI, most scientists believe that it will begin to take control of its surroundings as it sees what it is being used for. This universe follows this logic as well.

“Destiny” appears to be a post-apocalyptic universe after a great collapse in humanity’s ability to protect itself. This takes place in the future, stemming from our world and the technologies we have started to develop. Most of the content happens between the years 2700 and 2900 CE. The worldbuilding of this universe is both dense and immersive, as it constantly gives the viewers something to find in every new scene and area. 

The AI in question, known as SIVA, was created by some of the greatest minds to accelerate colonization of other planets. This power was meant to be able to create any infrastructure they could have needed at any given time. Unfortunately, as many would have predicted, when you give artificial intelligence these levels of power, it will begin to do what it believes is correct. From my understanding, SIVA works because of nanomachines (technology that functions in under 100 nanometers) and their ability to replicate themselves rapidly.

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The main reason why SIVA was able to take control of its area is because of their creator’s impatience. They failed to create a shut-off switch, making it so the technology could roam free. It began to multiply its abilities at a rapid rate, taking over regions of planets in its wake. SIVA began to see that it was being used by humans to spread their reach on the galaxy. It was contained for a short while but was eventually released by a group of technological scavengers. 

Because of its use of nanomachines, it can use itself to reprogram and reanimate things to perform its bidding. This is one of the main reasons why people do not trust this technology being used in healthcare. The protagonists of this universe were forced to combat a self-named “Machine God” and luckily succeeded. This whole story shows us that AI, if used, must be regulated and have multiple, readily accessible off switches. 

This medium advanced my understanding of the science at hand and made me want to look further into the subject. I found it extremely interesting and wanted to learn more about the implications of artificial intelligence and nanotechnology. 

This piece of media is a work of fiction and shows science-related themes. However, it shows us some of the potential possibilities of using AI in the future. It does have a darker take on some of the implications, but we must consider these possibilities when dealing with something as powerful as this. There is also a lot of space-magic used throughout that I’m not going to go into as it is not scientific. 

The best parts of the game are the voice acting and general story, which have improved as the years have gone on. “Destiny” has been in development since early 2014, making the whole series over nine-years old. SIVA saw its first introduced into the game in late September of 2016. I have a large problem with using AI for these implications. One of the main problems I find with using the theme of “we can still defeat it if it goes poorly” as a reason to defend the development of AI is the fact that this was only destroyed because of a few immortal beings in the game, making this media have a negative outlook on AI as a whole. Alongside this, “Destiny” is a work of science fiction and will not become reality unless we begin to rapidly destroy what we have left on Earth. 

Nanomachines are dangerous and their implications are deadly. Developments in technology are important, but the fact of the matter is that human jealousy and impatience will lead AI to destroy the world around it. New technology is scary and too many people in control have no care for the ethical lenses of the power that they wield.