Edgar Kunz presents his story to Madison College

Clarion Staff Photo

Edgar Kunz reads from his book “Tap Out” in the Intercultural Exchange at the Truax Campus, Room C1430. The event was sponsored by the Yahara Journal.

Paige Zezulka, Staff Writer

Edgar Kunz, a poet known for his 2019 book of poems, Tap Out, shared his story to Madison College on Thursday, Jan. 30. The Intercultural Exchange Room C1430 was filled with an audience of students and staff.

Kunz connected to the crowd on a personal level. At times the room fell silent, as the poet unraveled soul wrenching details of his own personal life.

Matthew Guenette, a Professor in the English department at Madison College introduced young Kunz as an inspiration. He confessed to the audience that Tap Out, has been one of the best books he has read in the last 10 years.

Guenette, who’s creative writing class filled the room, described poetry as, “something that never has to explain to us why it exists.”

The energy a poem can bring is not necessarily within the words itself, but within its absence. Kunz created this energy as each word spilt out the next.

Kunz’s poems are a mixture of fiction and non-fiction that, “transfer across time.” He spoke about growing up in a poor neighborhood in Massachusetts and about the several obstacles he had to face to be where he is today including the passing of his struggling father. Kunz took the audience for a journey through heart felt experiences that hit home for many. 

When asked what advice he could provide to someone who is trying to find their way through hardships, the poet explained an important piece of realization to the audience. “We accept the love we think we deserve. It was a huge moment for me in my life when I realized, you know what…I deserve better. Don’t accept anything less than you deserve,” he said.

Kunz wants people to know the raw reality of what life holds. Therefore, having his readers dip their toes into the unknown, to see things in different angles and perspectives is his overall message.

The audience left the evening with a vital piece of information. Though we all are trying to challenge our fears daily it’s wise to accept the fact that occasionally, it’s OK to tap out.