‘The Outer Worlds’ a fun role-playing game
December 12, 2019
Sometime in the distant future, humanity conquers the stars and forms colonies on outlying star systems. You, an intrepid sort, sign up for the adventure of a lifetime, and the promise of endless employment opportunities on corporation-owned planets. But somehow, your ship is delayed.
A scientist informs you of your plight. Thousands of people are frozen on the Hope, in stasis and waiting to be revived. The scientist says that the corporations have no idea how to run things. All the planets’ colonists are some of brightest people who never made it to their destinations to fulfill their duties. Because the Hope has been frozen for so long, you’ve been in stasis for much longer than you should have been.
Thus begins “The Outer Worlds,” an exciting action roleplay game. Once you wake from stasis in a hidden lab, you begin your life by creating your character based on skills and perks. With numerous customizations, you can play almost any kind of person you want. Various dialogue choices and complete freedom allow to be the savior the colonies need. It is entirely up to you whether you overthrow the corporations; you find pleasure in being an outlaw, or you toe the company line. There is no clear answer about what you should do. The game mimics real life; things are messy and entangled. If you help one faction, you might upset another faction. Not everyone has pure intentions.
Obsidian, the team behind one of my favorite other role-play games, “Fallout: New Vegas”, created “The Outer Worlds.” Gameplay, interactions, movements and the freedom of choice in “The Outer Worlds” reminds me of the Fallout franchise because of the future-retro themes that run throughout the game. Whether playing in first-person view or third-person view, there is ample opportunity to loot containers for weapons, currency, and consumables. “Tactical Time Dilation,” a combat tactic, allows you to slow time. “Tactical Time Dilation” slows down the action for those who aren’t into first person shooting and prefer to focus on tactical decisions. “The Outer Worlds” is great for fans of “Fallout,” “Elder Scrolls” and other open world action RPGs.
Like “Fallout” uses various enhancement drugs to help players with various perks, “The Outer Worlds” offers various uppers and downers with skill bonuses and withdrawal consequences. If you use too many bonuses, you’ll become addicted to them. Addiction causes you to walk around with a deficit in skills when you’re not using the substances. Addiction becomes a flaw.
Flaws are another interesting aspect to gameplay. Flaws are deficits in skills that you can accept in trade for a free perk point. You can gather perks every two levels and change up the gameplay as you progress. Once again, it is up to you to take the flaw and get an extra perk or deny the flaw and continue leveling normally.
There are a lot of dialogue options and side quests that seem silly, but you can choose to avoid them. The only downside to “ The Outerworlds” is for players who love action. Some people might feel weighed down by the dialogue while they continue quests.
My favorite part of “The Outerworlds” is in the beginning when you take over as captain of The Unreliable. You fly from planets to asteroids and other ships in order to help your fellow colonists on the Hope out of stasis.
Along the way, numerous other quests offer ways to earn favor with people and factions.
The various worlds you explore are vast and breathtaking, with giant planets that hover in starry skies or weird fauna and flora in alien lands. “The Outer Worlds” received four category nominations in the Game Awards, including Game of The Year.
With tons of quests and the ability to explore anything your heart desires, “The Outer Worlds” will entertain you for a long time.