Wild Belle at High Noon Saloon show

Cassandra Cullen, Staff Writer

Wild Belle is an Indie brother and sister duo Elliot and Natalie Bergman who are on tour with their band to promote their new album “Everybody One of a Kind.” I was lucky enough to get to see them on their third show of the tour at High Noon Saloon in Madison.

High Noon only holds 200 people, so it was an intimate show. They had friends and family who drove up from their hometown of Chicago to support them alongside all the fans from Madison. Even 45 minutes before the show, the room was buzzing about, and everyone seemed to know someone else. 

It was mostly a young hipster crowd, and once Wild Belle walked out, it was obvious why: every person in the band was wearing a suit jacket and had that long, untamed hair that is popular these days.

The music they played was mesmerizing. Natalie is the vocalist and her natural voice is a bit raspy, but when she sings, it’s bold and beautiful. Elliot plays a variety of instruments for the band, but saxophone was his main go-to for the evening. He had some wonderful solos that left the crowd clapping and screaming for more.

Wild Belle didn’t do a sound check, so during their performance after each song, Elliot would motion to the sound engineer in the back to fix whatever problems were going on, whether it was to turn up a mic or turn down the guitars.

Unfortunately, their show lasted a little less than an hour, so that was a disappointment to me. But they did come back out for one encore song and mingled with everyone after the show. They seem to be friendly folks.

The crowd was a lively bunch. One girl was doing her own interpretive dance moves while others were singing at the top of their lungs along with the lyrics bobbing their heads up and down. It was a great show and I was glad to be a part of it.