‘Don’t Breathe’ keeps you on the edge of your seat

Sedgwick Smith Jr, Staff Writer

“Don’t Breathe” will have you holding your breath as you vicariously experience fear on a new level. With jump scares at every corner, you’ll be wondering if you’d survive in this unique new age thriller.

Three amateur thieves from Detroit think that heists are a piece of cake, and decide to rob a retired veteran – a blind retired veteran.

What seems like an easy plunder turns into one of the most terrifying, dangerous, and costly nights of their lives. With unlocked secrets and an abundance of twists, you’ll be wondering how can they get passed the man who can see no evil, but hears everything.

The director, Fede Alvarez, set up a quick, yet interesting story for the main characters, giving each of them personality and motivation. The broken down neighborhood immediately sets the tone for the rest of the film, giving life to this complex and amazing plot.

With a $9.9 million budget and a stellar cast, “Don’t Breathe,” running at 88 minutes, will keep you captivated with their unique setting, and camera angles. You’ll be on the edge of your seats wondering who to sympathize with in this must see thriller of 2016.