‘The Bone Season’ full of imagination

Allison Althof, Office Manager

This young author is an inspiration to anyone that wants to break into the publishing world. Samantha Shannon was born in 1991, and her first novel “The Bone Season” was released in 2013.

This imaginative tale takes place in London in the year 2059 where being a clairvoyant is considered an act of treason that could lead to your death. It is in London, now deemed Scion London, or SciLo among the masses, that we meet 19-year-old Paige and learn just what it means to be clairvoyant. She works for the criminal underworld where she and others like her are committing crimes just to survive. Paige’s job is to gain information by breaking into people’s minds with her clairvoyant ability as a Dreamwalker.

One night on her way home she is attacked, drugged, and taken to Oxford.  Her captors assign her to an immortal named Warden. He is supposed to train and teach Paige about her powers while at the same time stripping her of her freedom.

This book follows a very slow pace that can put a lot of readers off, but I think that this is actually the book’s strength. Shannon has delivered a unique tale with a lot of information jammed into 452 pages. The amount of detail in this book could be very overwhelming if it was set at a faster pace. By slowing down the story and going through things carefully, readers have the chance to learn about the different types of clairvoyants, Scion, and motivations of the character.

This was a hard book to get into, but that doesn’t mean it wasn’t worth my time.  I didn’t realize how much I like the book until the very end. It’s the type of book where you think you’re not going to want to finish it but the end leaves you wanting more. For someone so young, Samantha Shannon has delivered a wonderful story with a lot of creativity and soul. I’m excited to see where she goes with the next two books in the series.