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FTL (Faster than Light)

Steam (available at:


Captain’s Log: The HMS FuzzBuzz was traveling through the Rebel-controlled area, when a mercenary ship destroyed our oxygen systems. The alien we brought on board was the only one able to withstand the lack of oxygen and helped us stay alive by fixing the O2 systems. The new Hull Missiles we scavenged off a disgusting slaver ship fortunately tore through the enemy’s shields and made way for our lasers to end this battle. We made a hyper jump into the next sector and somehow made it through intact. Maybe, just maybe we’ll find a way to get these documents to Central Command and win this damned war.


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FTL, also known as “Faster Than Light,” is an independent space adventure game playable on PC, Mac and Linux. You can find it on Steam, a game distribution service for $10. FTL is about a small ship racing from one end of the galaxy to the other, while evading and outgunning enemy ships from slave ships to ruthless rebels and mercenaries, in the hopes of delivering necessary information to the Federation so they can save the galaxy from the heartless Rebels. It’s a simple, and flimsy premise, but the game beneath is too likeable to care.

Why like this game? Oh how to count the ways!

The exciting rogue-like action of FTL brings your pulse almost out of your throat. Atny moment, you could transport into the teeth of a giant Rebel fleet, or fight solar flares and auto-turrets. You can buy customizations to your ship that will help build up every aspect of your galaxy-saving vessel, from the engines to the weapons to the oxygen bay. The spooky music and spartan, but effective sprites help keep the focus on the action. The price tag ($9.99) is so nice for a game you can play over and over and over for minutes for hours at a time.

On the sparse downside, the rogue type gameplay makes some levels darn near unplayable, no matter the difficulty. This unfairness is few and far in between, though and the action is so fun and easy to play, you can’t help but just try one more time.

Want a game that’s easy to learn? FTL. Want a game with a number of interesting customization options? FTL. Want replay value so you’re always coming back for more? FTL. Want space pirates? FTL for the win!

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FTL (Faster than Light)