‘Warm Bodies’ encapsulates a traditional love story in a non-traditional format

George Treviranus & Brianna Roberts, Staff Writers

This sweet but comical apocalyptic love story is truly moving and mind-boggling. The movie’s theme focuses on how love can change a life. Julie (Teresa Palmer) was able to bring R (Nicholas Hoult) back to life. It showed how much all human beings need love and the power that love contains. If love can reconstruct a lifeless zombie imagine, what it can do to us regular folk.

Viewers will follow R, a zombie among zombies, unable to feel or do anything, until he meets Julie–a survivor of the apocalypse–that changes his life forever. Throughout the movie, he becomes more and more human, and his zombie friends predictably become suspicious. R is in love, and there’s no stopping his return to humanity.

This movie is a modern day take on old themes by having the couple represent Shakespeare’s character of Romeo and Juliet. R and Julie in this film are totally inseparable. The passion, the quirkiness, the charm — this uplifting romance is a must see.

It’s a perfect Valentine’s Day flick for couples and singles. It’s a tearjerker that will have you laughing and crying in your seat. If you like comedies or romance films this is the film for you. Love overcomes, and all love can restore the lost, the brokenhearted and even the dead, apparently. Love is how balanced is achieved, it is where restoration and peace are found.

This movie is such a positive inspiration it encourages teamwork, friendship, family and most of all true love. It follows a traditional storyline but like any good romantic comedy there must be an obstacle. These hopeless romantics put themselves on the line and helping hand never goes out of style in this movie. Does their love survive the battle? Who wins the war: humans or zombies?