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Our view: Offensive Twitter account about the college is pointless

Are we being watched? Some don’t think we are, but there’s a new form of cameras on campuses all over the nation these days: the camera on your phone. Since everyone has them these days, that shouldn’t come as a shocker.

Some time ago, a twitter account was introduced for Madison College students (name withheld) which gave them a look at some of the more… interesting people, places and events happening at the college.

This new account was using photos uploaded by a certain student. No one knows who the student is, or why they are putting these photos up (maybe for fun?).

The photos are funny most of the time. But the other portion, they are a bit degrading and unfortunate (sometimes a bit gross, even).

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We don’t think these photos represent the college well, at all, and it’s very insulting to the students being put on the web without their consent. Of course, there aren’t any laws preventing this account from existing: the internet is free-reign, for the most part.

Instead, we’re left with the faces and activities of people that would otherwise be seen as embarassing.

The core of this issue is one thing: freedom of speech and of the internet.

We’re passionate about both. The ability to freely express onesself is invaluable, especially in a world where it can be so easily taken based on threats of terror, authority in adults and elders, and lawmakers. Obviously, if we let everyone freely express and innovate without limits, there are bound to be negative ramifications (see: the above twitter account).

The internet sees unparalleled innovation and activity every single day because individuals aren’t limiting their potential or scope based on laws or speech restriction. If there are any limitations, they’re self-inflicted by the individuals themselves.

The most raw form of the freedom of speech/internet can be made with Anonymous, the totally open organization that both saves lives of individuals in harms way (social change), and hacks the FBI database (technological). This extremely broad range represents anarchy, which the internet is no stranger to.

Twitter has a very clear platform, in that it won’t censor anyone. They believe strongly in the free speech of their users in order to maximize conversation, however some become unnecessary or even vulgar (again, see: the twitter account mentioned above).

We believe it’s wrong to be unnecessarily malicious, but ultimately free speech is a right to be retained. Despite requests to have the page removed, it remains. It would likely require complaints en masse for action to be taken.

We also think it’s pointless. There’s nothing to be gained from that twitter account. Hopefully the creator realizes this before they get in trouble by the college.

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Our view: Offensive Twitter account about the college is pointless