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Game review: ‘Fallout’

After war between the U.S., China and various European states turns nuclear, there are few humans left and you are one of them. Named the “Vault Dweller,” you emerge from a sealed vault in the lands formerly known as California to save the people you love and protect the people you’ll meet from a plan for domination. A new civilization is rising and you are to be a part of its illustrious history.

The original Fallout was a revelation, bringing a sad, post-apocalyptic wasteland to modern audiences. Mixing the bleak situation with characters that might almost be cute in other circumstances made for memorable sequences, like the flora, who is not the sort of living, anthropomorphic tree you might remember from Kirby, but instead something altogether … different, let’s say.

This series is about much and to learn about the origins of the stories in “Fallout 3” and “New Vegas,” the first game is a great starter for anyone. This is a game where survival and preservation are key; don’t waste ammunition where care and stealth would be possible.

“Fallout” is hard as heck but rewarding through sidequests and aid in your ultimate quest. While some don’t appreciate the combat style and amount of tactics needed to succeed, it can stand up to its newer brethren as an example of a game that expects a lot of players as it should.

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This game is good to play if you have time but you should expect at least a little frustration if you’re new to classic games like this. Currently, the PC version of “Fallout” can be found at Pick it up if you’re looking to spend a weekend shooting post-apocalyptic raiders and mutants.

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Game review: ‘Fallout’